Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has underlined that the government’s immediate priority is to address the serious domestic economic challenges through strengthening cooperation with all development partners and fraternal Islamic countries.

Speaking at the dinner hosted by the Permanent Representative of Pakistan to United Nations, Ambassador Munir Akram, he said Pakistan looked forward to working closely with all friends and partners including OIC countries, members of the Security Council, European Union, United States, China, and others on all issues of mutual concern.

The Foreign Minister outlined Pakistan’s foreign policy priorities on wide range of global and regional issues including the situation in Afghanistan, Jammu and Kashmir, Security Council reform, COVID-19 pandemic, the related economic downturn, climate change, price inflation and food security.

A number of Ambassadors from friendly countries including Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Azerbaijan, Iran, Oman, Italy, Malta, Ecuador, Egypt, Indonesia, UAE, and Kuwait attended the dinner.

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