Pakistan Girl Guides Association National Headquarters celebrated World Health Day at its NHQ in collaboration with the World Health Organization Pakistan on 17th April 2024. More than 150 Guides (6 to 16 years old) participated. The theme of the Day was “My Health My Right”.
During the event, Girls had the opportunity to experience enjoyable activities and games. The program was carried out in the form of activity stations, some indoors and some outdoors.

A painting competition, in relevance to World Health Day, was organized on the occasion. The competition aimed to encourage children to take responsibility for their learning, to understand positive health behaviors, and to spread that knowledge among their peers. 50 Guides participated in 2 categories of the painting competition. 1st Category was Guides aged 6-11 and the 2nd category was of 11 to 16. Winners of both categories were given prizes at the end of the ceremony.

A debate competition was also organized to promote problem-solving and innovative thinking and help girls build links between words and ideas that make concepts more meaningful. 20 Girl Guides participated in the competition.
Health Screening Stalls regarding Eyes, ears, and BMI (body mass index) were also set up during the event. Health screenings of girls helped in detecting problems regarding vision, hearing, and other common problems also identifying potential issues at an early age, and making appropriate referrals to follow up on management strategies.
A few Health Awareness stalls were also set up to raise awareness regarding Reproductive Health, TB, Malaria/ Dengue, and Mental Health/ Psychosocial support.

Dr. Luo Dapeng WHO Representative in Pakistan was the Chief Guest at the event. Mrs. Maria Maud Sabri, National Commissioner of the Pakistan Girl Guides Association welcomed him and other guests. She briefed them about the event and informed them that the Guide program addresses common health issues, raises awareness about the importance of cleanliness, and promotes good hygiene practices which lead to good health. She also briefed about the Guides’ work regarding the Awareness & Prevention of different diseases and the badge curriculums developed in collaboration with the World Health Organization.

While addressing the Guides, Dr. Luo Dapeng WHO Representative in Pakistan appreciated the Guides’ work regarding awareness raising. He also highlighted the role youth can play in improving health conditions in the country. He informed that more than half of the world’s population is still not fully covered by essential health services. This year’s theme was chosen to champion the right of everyone, everywhere to have access to quality health services. He said that World Health Day promotes a healthy lifestyle as well as awareness about health and healthcare in general. Health is the most fundamental aspect of every individual’s life. Engaging children in wellbeing will ensure a firm foundation for later in life. Children who enjoy a healthy lifestyle have a zest for life which helps them to grow and develop; advancing their skill sets in all areas of learning.
Later, he distributed prizes among the winners of Painting & debate competitions and winners of games as well.