In 2024, the Federal Tax Ombudsman (FTO) achieved a landmark performance in handling taxpayer grievances. The year saw the highest number of complaints ever received by the FTO, totaling 13,506. Under the visionary leadership of the Hon’ble Federal Tax Ombudsman and the dedicated teams at the FTO Secretariat and regional offices, an impressive 12,914 complaints were disposed of, which accounts for 95.6% of the total complaints received.
This unprecedented volume of complaints was largely driven by the extensive awareness campaigns led by the Hon’ble FTO and his advisors across the country. The Chambers of Commerce & Industries in major cities, Tax Bar Associations, Business Community Associations, and organizations practicing tax law were key targets for these information dissemination efforts, aimed at educating the public about the role and functions of the FTO. As a result, the outreach initiatives led to a surge in complaints, and a record number of decisions were made by the FTO, addressing the grievances of thousands of complainants.
Key Highlights of 2024:
- Record Complaint Numbers: The FTO Secretariat received an all-time high of 13,506 complaints, with 95.6% of them resolved.
- Comparative Performance: A detailed comparison of complaints lodged in the past decade is provided in Annexure-A.
- Informal Resolutions: In addition to regular complaints, the FTO also encouraged less privileged complainants to seek informal resolution of their grievances. As a result, 1,540 informal complaints were resolved.
- Reference Cases: The FTO disposed of 143 reference cases, further contributing to the relief provided to taxpayers.
- Own Motion Initiatives: A total of 32 own motion initiatives were taken, resulting in significant relief for numerous individuals and complainants.
The FTO, being a relief-oriented body, also extended its services to low-paid employees by ensuring proper taxation. Additionally, relief was provided to thousands of folk artists through adjustments to ongoing withholding tax issues. Teachers, too, benefited from substantial tax rebates during the year.
These achievements highlight the FTO’s continued commitment to providing justice and relief to taxpayers, particularly those from marginalized sections of society, and underscores its role as a vital institution in ensuring fair tax practices across the nation.