All is set to observe Kashmir Solidarity Day throughout Pakistan and Azad Jammu Kashmir (AJK), besides rest of the world, where Pakistani and Kashmiri Diaspora communities live, to observe Kashmir Solidarity Day on February 5 (Wednesday)- to reiterate full solidarity with the people of Jammu & Kashmir state coupled with the renewal of the pledge to continue extending fullest moral, political and diplomatic support to their legitimate right to self-determination, being denied by India for the last 78 years through keeping bulk part of the globally acknowledged disputed Jammu & Kashmir state in its unlawful and forcible occupation against the aspirations of the people of the state.Pakistani cuisine recipes
The observance of the Kashmir Solidarity Day over 240 million people of Pakistan every year and that too, with one voice is a clear manifestation of the bona fide verify that India can in no way delude the world opinion, any more and the Indian rulers shall have to bow before the explicit will of the gallant people of the Jammu and Kashmir state, who are struggling for last 76 years, to achieve their birth right of self-determination, in line with the United Nations resolutions—at every cost.

In Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK), all necessary arrangements have been given final touches to observe the day with traditional zeal and fervour and with the renewal of the Kashmiris firm resolve to continue their struggle for the achievement of their birthright to self-determination through getting the motherland liberated from the Indian yoke to reach their ultimate destination – Pakistan, through the accession of entire J & K state to this country under the spirit of the historic July 19, 1947 resolution, unanimously passed in the historic meeting of All Jammu Kashmir Muslim Conference in occupied Srinagar.
It would be a state holiday throughout Azad Jammu Kashmir on this occasion as a mark of protest against the continued unlawful Indian occupation over bulk of the J & K state at the might of her (India) military power.

The Kashmiris observe the solidarity day on February 5 every year not only to renew their deep-rooted love and affection with Pakistan but also to reiterate their commitment and dedication to their liberty from the Indian occupation.
It may also be mentioned here that the day is celebrated every year in continuation of the first call given by former Prime Minister of Pakistan late Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto in 1975.
Bhutto, by giving this call, tried to test the devotion of the people of Jammu & Kashmir to their freedom as a strong reaction against the so-called Indra-Abdullah accord made totally against the wishes and aspirations of the people of the state. Since then, not only the people and the government of Pakistan but also the people of AJK have observed this day as a mark of complete solidarity and the expression of complete support for the just cause of the people of Jammu & Kashmir.
The day will dawn with special prayers for the martyrs of Kashmir, victory of the freedom struggle and expression of solidarity with the Kashmiri people.
Besides mass rallies, symposia, walk-for-peace, conventions meetings and speech declamations, a unique ceremony at all the six bridges, linking Pakistan and Azad Jammu Kashmir—where a human chain comprising Pakistanis and Kashmiris to be made on all seven bridges of AJK linking AJK to Pakistan, to reiterate solidarity with each other, will be the hallmark of the day-long events everywhere to observe the Day in an apposite mode.