Experience sharing event was held here in Islamabad. The even was hosted by Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation Pakistan. The two projects – Skills for Decent Employment-SDE and Early Recovery Support-ERS are financed by Swiss Solidarity, a Switzerland based donor and Helvetas which is a Swiss bilateral NGO working in Pakistan since 1982 with an impressive track record.
A large presence of Government of KP and Sindh as well as project partners, beneficiaries, parents and employers of young workforce was seen at the event. Chairman and Managing Director Technical Education and Vocation Training Authority (TEVTA), Secretary Labor Department, and other senior officers from relevant departments were present at the occasion. The staff of two partner organizations, Veer Development Organization and Research & Development Foundation also joined the event.
Both the project managers of SDE and ERS shared the journeys of their projects, which were implemented in Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in districts Peshawar, DI Khan, Tank, Mirpur Khas and Sanghar.
The project presentation on SDE was followed by panel discussions in which skill trainers, government stakeholders, and beneficiaries participated. The beneficiaries shared how their lives were transformed after the project interventions.
Mr. Ijaz Khan the acting Chief of KP Child Protection Commission shared his thoughts as the key stakeholder during the project. He shared the collaboration between Helvetas and KP Child Protection and Welfare Commission to facilitate the out of school and working age children in Peshawar.
Another panel discussion revolved around the ERS where relevant stakeholders and beneficiaries shared their sense of achievement after the construction of shelters, drinking water and waste management facilities. Worth noticing was the flood-proof engineering designs of new homes which are RCC based and higher from the ground. These houses and drinking water facilities are built to withstand future floods.
Mr. Capt R. Mian Adil, Secretary Labor Department appreciated the efforts of Helvetas for the betterment of working age children. He emphasized collaborating with the organization in future and lauded Helvetas as the only bilateral international organization in Pakistan working for labour rights.
Speakers lauded the efforts of Helvetas for a usually ignored group of young work force of 14 to 18 years of age. A strong skill foundation and strong understanding of decent work conditions can take our youth on progressive career path and make them successful entrepreneurs in future, he said.
The Country Director Dr. Arjumand Nizami shared that Helvetas has been working with the government to contribute to the development of country since 1982. Regarding the future plans of the organization, she was of the opinion that Helvetas will try to continue in in the fields of skill sector for youth development, as well as step up its services in the event of humanitarian crises. The organization is very well-known for its work on climate change adaptation, Education and natural resource management.