Austrian Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg has expressed the desire to expand political and economic relations with Pakistan.

He was addressing a news conference along with Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi after delegation level talks in Islamabad on Thursday.

The Austrian Foreign Minister said he is accompanied by twenty businessmen from his country and being world leaders in different areas such as hydrogen power, infrastructure, tourism and green technology, they are looking for new markets including the ones in South Asia including Pakistan.

Alexander Schallenberg said both Pakistan and Austria also stand side by side in the fight against extremism and terrorism. He said we also want peace and stability in Afghanistan.

Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi said both sides have charted a way forward to promote the existing bilateral relations. He said our talks today focused on the possibilities of trade and investment cooperation.

Shah Mahmood Qureshi said the Austrian businessmen will hold talks with their Pakistan counterparts and the Adviser on Commerce to further explore the opportunities of cooperation.

He pointed out that Pakistan is a market of two hundred million people and it has the potential of becoming the hub for regional trade.

Responding to a question, the Foreign Minister hoped for a positive outcome of talks between Russia and Ukraine.

Shah Mahmood Qureshi said Pakistan has openly stated that war is not a solution and we are advocating dialogue and diplomacy. He noted that the implications of war between Russia and Ukraine are beyond Europe and developing countries including Pakistan are feeling the pinch of it in the form of increasing prices of petroleum products.

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He said Pakistan has sent humanitarian assistance to Ukraine and wants establishment of humanitarian corridor for the country.