K-Electric has filed its investment plan FY 2024-2030 for Transmission and Distribution segments. The futuristic plan keeps its customers at the heart of the business and seeks to leverage technology as a mainstay to further improve network reliability for smooth and reliable supply of power, while accelerating Karachi’s development, progress, and sustainability.
The new plan envisages to invest PKR 484 billion in the Transmission and Distribution business with a keen eye on projected growth in power demand, loss reduction initiatives, targeted and technology driven investments in the network for improved reliability and safety, as well as initiatives to enable KE off-take additional power from external sources including the National Grid. The goal at the end is to make power affordable, safe, reliable, and smooth. At the same time, it seeks to invest in climate resilient and environmentally sustainable infrastructure for power supply.
Since privatization, KE has halved its T&D losses, doubled its customer base and power consumption. This was possible due to sustained investments totaling to PKR 474 billion across the value chain. As per NEPRA State of Industry Report, since its privatization in 2005, KE is the most improved distribution company in terms of loss reduction. The new investment plan is designed to further the operational improvements and is aligned with KE’s vision to keep the customer’s interests and needs at the core of the company’s business operations. The previous MYT was an integrated model that together clubbed generation, transmission, and distribution as an integrated model. As the market transforms into an open ecosystem, we look forward to working in this environment to bring the best of our services for our customers.