Pakistan Girl Guides Association National Headquarters Celebrated World Thinking Day at its NHQ on 22nd February 2023. More than 500 Guides (6 to 21 years old) participated. The theme of the Day was “Our World Our Peaceful Future- The Environment & Peace”.

During the event, Girls had the opportunity to experience enjoyable activities, reinforce healthy habits and practices and express their aspirations. The program was carried out in the form of activity stations, some indoors and some outdoors. Activities regarding Environment protection, and Games were part of the event.

Sessions on Kitchen Gardening were organized for Guides in collaboration with NCPC (National Cleaner Production Center Pakistan. Guides learned to grow vegetables and were provided with seeds by NCPC.

Ms. Naz Baloch Parliamentary Secretary for the Ministry of Climate Change was the Chief Guest at the event. Mrs. Maria Maud Sabri, National Commissioner Pakistan Girl Guides Association welcomed her and other guests. She briefed them about the theme of the day and informed them about the Guides’ efforts to protect the environment.

She informed that climate change and global warming are causing great damage and adversely affecting life but women and children are at greater risk in every disaster. Addressing the Guides, she said that as a youth the first thing is to understand how human behavior affects life on the planet, how every form of life is interconnected, and what changes in our behavior are vital for assuring a better future for all life on this planet.

While addressing the Guides, Ms. Naz Baloch Parliamentary Secretary for the Ministry of Climate Change said that Pakistan is facing extreme challenges such as melting glaciers limiting freshwater availability, more floods and drought, decreases in crop yield, and greater air pollution.

Due to the limited resources at its disposal, government efforts alone are not sufficient to address the new challenges which are resulting from climatic changes.
Young people, especially Girl Guides can do a lot for the betterment of the situation. She appreciated Girl Guides for planting more than 1 lac trees during the previous 2 years and running Plastic Tide Turner Project to reduce single-use plastic all over Pakistan.
Guides also shared with guests about the work of Guides to protect the environment during the years 2021 and 2022.