The disbursement of stipends under Benazir Income Support Program resumed today which was suspended for two days due to intense heat.
According to spokesperson of BISP, the process of payment of stipends will continue till Wednesday. However, the process will start again on the 3rd of next month after Eid-ul-Adha’ Holidays.
These stipends worth nine thousand rupees per deserving family are being provided to nine million families across the country on a quarterly basis.
Over twenty-six billion rupees have so far been disbursed to over 2.9 million families since the 19th of this month.
On the directives of Minister for Poverty Alleviation and Social Safety Shazia Marri, monitoring teams have been constituted to ensure the transparent disbursement of stipends to marginalized sections of society.
In order to redress the complaints expeditiously, BISP has also issued toll free number 0800-26477 for general public.