The PCB Governing Board meeting approved next year’s budget and players’ central contracts. Chairman Rameez Raja will announce the details in a press conference on Friday. The meeting was chaired by PCB Chairman Rameez Raja and lasted for more than four hours. The participants included Chief Executive Faisal Hasnain, Chief Operating Officer Salman Naseer, Malik Asad Ali Khan, Asim Wajid, Alia Zafar, Arif Saeed and Javed Qureshi. ۔

According to sources, Chairman PCB, Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officer presented their report in the meeting. Important issues of Pakistan cricket were reviewed in the meeting. The meeting approved next year’s budget. The performance report of national men’s and women’s teams was presented in the meeting. Board members expressed satisfaction over the performance of the national team. Board members stressed the need for measures to improve the performance of the women’s team.

Board members were briefed on the tour of Australia and West Indies teams to Pakistan. Approved the central contract of national cricketers. The structure of City Cricket Associations and other issues were reviewed. The meeting approved next year’s budget of the board. Chairman PCB Rameez Raja will brief the details of the decisions taken in the formal meeting in a press conference tomorrow.

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