The first meeting of the Parliamentary Advisory Committee on the commemoration of the golden jubilee of the 1973 Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan was held today in the Parliament. The meeting was attended by prominent parliamentarians and government officials, and was convened by Senator Main Raza Rabbani, the Convener of the committee.

The Convener, while addressing the meeting, highlighted the significance of the Constitution and the reasons for commemorating it. He expressed that the committee would work diligently to pay tribute to the pioneers of the Constitution and to engage the public with the document’s history and significance.

The National Assembly’s Additional Secretary for Special Initiatives Syed Shamoon Hashmi provided an overview of the proposed activities and events aimed at commemorating the Constitution, including photo exhibitions, book displays, painting exhibitions, a three-day international convention, focus discussions, seminars, and other educational and cultural activities.

During the meeting, the Convener and the members of the committee appreciated the Secretariat’s efforts and put forth valuable suggestions for the commemoration of the Constitution. Ex-Senator Farhatullah Babar proposed a national commemoration that includes all segments of the society, a wreath-laying ceremony at the democracy monument at Parliament, and an event to recognize and honor all those involved in the making and protection of the Constitution.

Federal Minister for Information and Broadcasting Ms. Marriyum Aurangzeb suggested integrating the Constitution into the educational curriculum through legislation, a nationwide quiz competition regarding the Constitution, and utilizing digital media to raise awareness among the masses. MNA Engr. Sabir Hussain Kaim Khani proposed spreading awareness through mobile messages, while Ms. Wajiha Qamar suggested utilizing digital spaces to engage citizens. Mr. Zafarullah Khan, a special invitee, also made valuable contributions during the meeting.

In his comments, Convener Main Raza Rabbani proposed holding a joint sitting of the Parliament with reference to the Constitution, printing and distributing pocket-sized copies of the Constitution, and organizing a two-day convention. He also endorsed the suggestion of a monument and the integration of the Constitution into the educational curriculum after consulting relevant stakeholders.

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The committee decided to continue its deliberations on all the proposed suggestions and to design a roadmap based on the inputs received. The next meeting of the committee is scheduled for February 21, 2023.