Azad Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly met in Muzaffarabad on Saturday.
The house waited till the decision of the AJK Supreme Court regarding the election of the new leader of the house.
The AJK Supreme Court listened to the arguments of both parties and concluded that a session of the Legislative Assembly convened for the no-confidence vote cannot proceed motion for election of the leader of the house.
The court said it is the right of AJK President to summon a new session of the assembly to elect a leader of the house within 14 days.
After the decision of the court, the session was prorogued.
Meanwhile, Azad Jammu and Kashmir President Barrister Sultan Muhammad Chaudhry summoned session of the AJK Legislative Assembly on Monday at 10:30 am.
The decision was taken in the light of the AJK Supreme Court decision regarding the election of leader of the house.FacebookTwitterEmailWhatsAppShare