Saudi Arabia has provided a gift of one hundred tons of dates to the people of Pakistan as part of regular annual tradition.

Saudi Ambassador to Pakistan Nawaf Bin Said Al-Maliki handed over the consignment to Director General Military Wing Cabinet Division Brigader Hammad Amjad at a ceremony in Islamabad today.

The valuable Saudi gift will be distributed among the people of Pakistan during Ramazan.

Addressing the ceremony, Ambassador Nawaf Bin Said Al-Maliki reaffirmed Saudi Arabia’s commitment to always stand by the Pakistani brothers to take the brotherly relations to new heights. He prayed for peace, prosperity and stability of both the countries.

He said the gift is presented through King Salman Humanitrian Aid and Relief Center, which is the forefront of the service of humanity.

Speaking on the occasion, Brigadier Hammad Amjad said the annual gesture of the gift of dates is a testament of the strong and everlasting brotherly relations between the two countries.

Later, talking exclusively to Radio Pakistan Correspondent Aman Ullah Sipra, the Saudi Ambassador said the relationship between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia is very old and unique. He said this relationship is not just government to government but people to people.

The Ambassador said the peoples of the two countries have similar emotions of mutual respect for each other. He expressed confidence that the bilateral relationship would further deepen in days to come.

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