In order to promote cultural exchanges and mutual learning, and tighten people-to-people bonds between different countries, China Soong Ching Ling Foundation launches the 2022″Junior Cultural Ambassadors” Event. The event is expected to build a platform for young people all over the world to make the acquaintance of each other both online and offline, and bring out more junior cultural ambassadors who would make their own share of contribution to people-to-people exchanges.

The 2022 event, under the theme of “Get Connected Through Art: My Favorite Chinese Arts”, encourages young people to exchange ideas and tell stories about Chinese culture through videos. With the support of the Bureau of International Exchange and Cooperation of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People’s Republic of China and Guangming Online, the event is hosted by the China Soong Ching Ling Science & Culture Center for Young People and China Cultural Centers Overseas.

Exchange among civilizations spurs diversity, mutual learning promotes the richness of civilizations. Different civilizations complement each other and together constitute a world that blooms with cultures. In order to further strengthen communication and understanding and write a new chapter of friendship among young people around the world, China Soong Ching Ling Foundation, with the support of the Bureau of International Exchange and Cooperation, Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People’s Republic of China, and working together with China Cultural Centers Overseas, is delighted to invite teenagers aged 13 – 16 around the world to participate in the 2022 China Soong Ching Ling Foundation “Junior Cultural Ambassadors” Event.

The arrangements of the event are as follows:
    I. Main Theme
Bridge of Friendship & Ambassadors of Culture
    II. Theme of Year 2022
Get Connected Through Art: My Favorite Chinese Arts
    III. Organization
Sponsored by: China Soong Ching Ling Foundation
Supported by: Bureau of International Exchange and Cooperation, Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People’s Republic of China; Guangming Online
Organized by: China Soong Ching Ling Science & Culture Center for Young People; China Cultural Centers Overseas
    IV. Participants Eligibility
Teenagers aged 13 and 16 (born between January 1st, 2006 and December 31st, 2009) are eligible to participate.
    V. Awards

  1. Title of “Junior Cultural Ambassador”
A total of 30 “Junior Cultural Ambassadors” will be selected and awarded certificates and prizes.
   2. Excellence Award
Certificates and prizes of “Excellence Award” will be presented to 30 teenagers.
   3. Excellent Organizer Award
Institutions that actively promote teenagers to participate in activities and perform outstandingly, will be conferred with Excellent Organizer Award.
   4. Others
Other awards such as the Popularity Award will be set up when necessary, and commemorative certificates will be awarded to participants.
   VI. Entry Format

   1. Languages
It is recommended to use UN working languages in the video. These include Chinese, English, French, Russian, Arabic, and Spanish. Participants who are not of Chinese origin using Chinese, will be given extra points during the review.

   2. Video Length
The total duration of the video should be less than 4 minutes. The duration of the self-introduction and ending part of the video should be less than 1 minute, and that of the main body should be no longer than 3 minutes.

   3. Content
(1) Self-introduction
(2) Main body: Videos should be created under the theme of “Get Connected Through Art: My Favorite Chinese Arts”. Participants could show a Chinese art in the fields of painting, calligraphy, music instruments, opera, architecture, costumes, folk arts and crafts, etc., or tell your stories about Chinese arts through writing, performing, producing etc. The video shall be rich in content, closely linked to the theme of Chinese art, beautifully produced, and have strong expressiveness and appeal.
(3) Ending: Good wishes for the event.

   4. Video Format
The video should be clear, stable, well-composed, and the image should be synchronized with the sound. The video should be an uncompressed .avi, .mov, .wmv or .mpg file. The resolution ratio should be 1920×1080, and the video must be shot in landscape (widescreen panoramic). Non-original videos will not qualify, and please do not add watermarks or subtitles to the video.
   VII. Online Registration
 1. A registration port is now available on the web-page of the event. Applicants should fill in the registration information online and submit videos as required.
Registration link:
  Scan QR code to enter the registration port
  2. Deadline for submission is by midnight of July 31st, 2022 (subject to the time of submission on the web-page).
  3. For further information:
  Tel.:(+86) 010-53935571,(+86) 13511080846
    VIII. Online Display and Poll
  A web-page for the 2022 “Junior Cultural Ambassador” Event has been created on the website of Guangming Online ( Outstanding entries will be displayed on the web-page and polled. Detailed arrangements will be announced later.

The award ceremony will be held in December 2022. More information will be released from the web-page of the event.

   1. The entries should be consistent with the theme of the event, featuring healthy and positive content, and demonstrate understanding and enthusiasm for Chinese arts.

   2. All entries submitted should be original and with no infringement of the copyright, patent rights, trademark rights, reputation rights, and/or other legal rights of any third party. In the case of any unqualified entry, the organizer has the right to unilaterally cancel qualifications of participation or awards at any point.