Chairman Senate Muhammad Sadiq Sanjrani has said lasting peace in South Asia is impossible without resolving the Kashmir issue.

In his message on Kashmir Martyrs’ Day, he said the day is not far away when Kashmiris’ dream of independence will be materialized through their struggle for their right to self-determination.

The Chairman said the international community should take notice of the atrocities being committed by the Indian occupation forces in IIOJK and play its role in ending the ongoing human rights violations in occupied valley. 

On the occasion, Deputy Chairman Senate Mirza Muhammad Afridi, in his message, said atrocities and barbarism of the Indian occupying forces deserve severe condemnation.

Leader of the House Azam Nazeer Tarar and the Leader of the Opposition in the Senate Dr. Shehzad Waseem have also expressed solidarity with the people of Occupied Kashmir and said that atrocities against Kashmiris would not stifle their voice for independence.

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