Sanofi’s philanthropic arm, Foundation S, has donated a sum of over PKR 378 M (1.7 M Euros) to support flood victims in Pakistan. Medicinal donation of antibiotics worth 245 million was made to the Indus Hospital & Health Network (IHHN).
The vast donation plan covers PKR 89 million (400,000 Euros) to UNICEF to provide the affected population with delivery kits, water purification caps, water tanks, nutrition kits, and essential medicines. It includes PKR 44.5 million (200,000 Euros) to the Red Cross Croix-Rouge (French Red Cross) to procure emergency aid materials (tents, shelters etc) and water purification systems. Another PKR 245 million (1,100,000 Euros) worth antibiotics were provided to treat approximately 550,000 patients.

Shakeel Mapara, Head of Human Resources, Sanofi Pakistan said, “WHO estimates that 8 million people need essential health assistance despite the receding flood waters. At Sanofi, we want to do our best to help the victims of flash floods. Sanofi is donating its top-notch antibiotics to the Indus Hospital to treat 555,000 people in medical camps. Our employees in Pakistan also came forward to make financial and in-kind donation for the flood victims.”
The devastation caused by the floods is vast. A third of the country was underwater. Approximately 55 million people had been affected and 670,000 homes were damaged or destroyed. Additionally, 793,900 livestock – a critical source of sustenance and livelihoods for many families – had died.
Dr. Abdul Bari Khan, President, Indus Hospital & Health Network said, “The devastation caused by the floods is a huge crisis that will take years to rebuild. This is not just the responsibility of one sector. Until we all come together, we will not be able to remedy the situation. We (IHHN) are proud to partner with Sanofi to deliver life-saving medication to those in desperate need.”

Vanina Laurent – Ledru, Head of Foundation S said, “Today, the post flood situation in Pakistan reflects the urgency to bring collective mindsets to pioneer solutions to increase the health resilience of climate- populations. Foundation S is committed to playing its part in addressing climate change and its impact on the health for the most vulnerable population.”
Sanofi Pakistan employees have provided support through in-kind contributions and voluntary financial donations. The team collaborated with the Karachi Relief Trust to help pack 500 ration bags that were sent to villages in Sindh.