Pakistani women in media face all sorts of disparities and biases including inequality in promotion opportunities, salary structures, facilities like daycare centers, maternity leaves and opportunities for top positions etc.” these findings were presented by Ms. Lubna Naqvi from IFJ Asia and Pacific, while delivering the welcome note during the report launch event organized by Individualland Pakistan in collaboration with International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) Asia and Pacific on 9th November, 2022 in a local hotel in Islamabad.

Mr. Ghulam Mustafa, Country representative of IFJ, also a member of IFJ Asia and Pacific while focusing on gender based disparities in the media industry in Pakistan highlighted that “women despite their competence and talent are not given equal opportunities. They are particularly not given the opportunity to hold leading positions in their media groups, which results in a sense of deprivation among them.”

Ms. Aresha Sohail, representing Individualland Pakistan gave a detailed presentations on the key findings of the survey conducted with media personnel, including challenges and recommendations. Most of the disparities faced by women in media stem out of the patriarchal mindset that limits women in their roles. However, it was highly recommended that women in media need to raise their voice not only for women in general but particularly for women in media to get access to equal opportunities. The needs assessment exercise/research conducted by the selected women researchers is an effort in the right direction.

Women researchers including Ms. Fauzia Shahid, Ms. Myra Imran and Ms. Rashida Kiyani also talked about their efforts and challenges faced during the research to conduct the needs assessment and to highlight the disparities faced by women in media, success stories and recommendations for improving their overall status.
Ms. Jane Worthington, Director IFJ Asia Pacific, presented IFJ’s work on gender disparity in media. She also applauded the efforts of Individualland and the women researchers in conducting the need assessment exercise and presenting the findings, challenges, and recommendations in form a report.
Ms. Gulmina Bilal Ahmad, Executive Director Individualland Pakistan while presenting the concluding remarks highlighted that “the ongoing efforts to highlight disparities faced by women in media must continue as women have to go a long way to fight the patriarchal mindset.”